Library and information skills

Get advice, guidance and training on how to use the library systems and resources

The library’s information skills librarian is Kelly Anyfantaki. Below, you can review the types of training and support that Kelly can give you – training for students is done in groups, and these sessions are organised by course tutors. To request training, please email the information skills librarian inbox.

Information skills training sessions

How training can help you

“Referencing training has made me more confident in my assignments. It helped me understand some of the nuances of referencing. An invaluable help.​rn​”
Doctoral student

Literature searching videos

The library has produced a series of videos to help you with basic and advanced literature searching.

Citing and referencing help

Videos to help with citing and referencing, including using EndNote Web, are available on our citing and referencing page.

Study skills books and ebooks

Library books and ebooks to help you make the most of your studies, including help with essay writing, managing a research project and preparing for a viva.

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