Improvements to ebooks
Some of our ebooks are now more accessible
Taylor & Francis ebooks now have improved accessibility features. You will still be able to find all our ebooks as usual on Discovery and the library catalogue but, after logging in with Shibboleth, the ebook page will offer new enhanced options.
This new-look eReader is now live and available for use alongside the older version for a short period of time. The older version will no longer be available from 16 February 2025. Here’s what you need to know:
- the new version lets you download books or chapters in PDF or ePub format – ePub is the most accessible ebook format, providing a better offline reading experience than PDF
- you can change font sizes and styles
- use read aloud functionality, available in multiple languages, to have an audio book option
- previously saved notes, highlights or bookmarks you added will not be automatically transferred over – you will need to do that yourself (see below)
Personalised settings
Unfortunately, any personalised settings such as notes, highlighting, bookmarks you have made on the old-style eReader will not be carried over to the new one automatically. So if you want to keep them, you will need to recreate the personalisations from the old-style ebooks in the new eReader.
The older eReader will remain active until 16 February 2025 so you can check your old personalisations and it can be accessed by clicking the ‘Read Online’ button. The new eReader can be accessed by selecting the ‘Download’ option on any eBook or Chapter.

There is a frequently asked questions page on the Taylor & Francis website with more information.
These changes apply only to Taylor & Francis ebooks, titles on EBSCOhost, ProQuest and other poviders are not affected.