Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (M80N, Leeds)
Join the NHS’s most established clinical training in child and adolescent psychotherapy
Delivered by NSCAP in Leeds, this internationally renowned course comprises four years of NHS clinical training in child and adolescent psychotherapy.
Upon completion, you will qualify as a child and adolescent psychotherapist with eligibility for membership of the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP) which is the registering and accrediting body for the profession. The course is validated by the University of Essex, leading to the award of professional doctorate in child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (DPsych).
Please note: you may see the M80N course also referred to as PCDOLM001 in communications from our application system.
About this course
Please see our FAQs surrounding our Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (M80) course.
Over four years, you will undertake taught components and clinical work placements and attend NSCAP for training events and supervision each week.
The course consists of the following elements:
- individual supervision for clinical work
- small group clinical supervision
- clinical seminars (assessments, beginnings, work with parents, endings, models of short term psychotherapy and brief consultation)
- choice of specialist multidisciplinary workshops e.g. adolescence; fostered and adopted children; early years and perinatal; trauma and early development; children who are violent, delinquent or act out sexually; and eating disorders
- experiential group relations week in year three
- theoretical lectures and reading seminars
- research teaching: methods and skills
- workshops, supervision and support for research project development, proposals and ethical approaches
- academic support and assessed academic work
- individual tutorials and departmental/clinic events
You will also undertake clinical work under supervision, as a member of a clinical team and will:
- work with long term psychoanalytic cases
- work with short term psychoanalytically-based therapy offered across the age range
- gain experience and training in assessments and brief-focused therapeutic work
- gain experience with parents and parental couples of referred children
- gain experience in generic child mental health work, including family work
- develop clinical specialism(s)
- undertake a research project
During the first year seminars on research methods and skills, you will be introduced to key research paradigms, quantitative and qualitative health care research methodologies and a range of research designs. You will then be supported to formulate a research question, usually linked to your clinical experience or your workplace, and develop your dissertation proposal for registration for a professional doctorate, to undertake the data collection and writing up of your findings.
You will be fully supported by a research supervisor and will also attend research workshops with your peers. The annual cross-programme research week offers access to the wider research culture at the Tavistock and Portman.
Module 1: Clinical Portfolio 1
- Year of Study: Year One
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 60 credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To bring together trainees’ learning from the early stages of clinical work with patients together with core concepts from psychoanalytic theory.
- To integrate learning from the Psychoanalytic Observation Studies course and the teaching of psychoanalytic theory in the first year with the beginning of clinical work.
- To advance trainees towards a capacity for critical reflection on the clinical material.
- For the trainee to take up full membership of the multi-disciplinary team in the role of trainee child and adolescent psychotherapist.
- To establish clinical work under supervision, and to begin to understand the psychoanalytic processes underpinning clinical work.
- To establish the model of learning from experience, including learning through supervision.
Module Assessment
Students are required to produce a portfolio of work, drawing on their clinical and professional practice in their training post and conceptual knowledge and skills learned during the first year of training. The portfolio will include two written assignments. The ‘Clinical Conceptualisation’ assignment comprises two 3,000 word session reports, two 250-word file summaries, and a 3,000-word transference commentary. The ‘Practice Based Learning’ assignment comprises a 1,500-word written task, reflecting on the experience of embarking on the clinical training programme. Students are also required to attend two progress review meetings, and submit associated documentation.
Module 2: Research Methods 1: Key Skills in Health Care Research
- Year of Study: Year One
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 30 credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To enable trainees to acquire systematic knowledge and detailed understanding of key theoretical paradigms and techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry in child psychotherapy, comprising concepts, methodologies, designs, and methods.
- To enable trainees to develop the capacity to evaluate research critically within the context of child psychotherapy in the NHS.
- To enable trainees to undertake an advanced literature search.
- To enable trainees to gain knowledge of key contemporary empirical child psychotherapy research, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
- To enable trainees to learn about and practise qualitative data analysis.
Module Assessment
The assessment for this module comprises:
a 5,000-word critical bibliography demonstrating the capacity to search for and review 5-6 empirical child mental health research papers on a defined topic, including the search strategy employed, brief critical evaluations of the selected papers, and brief conclusions;
a 3,000-word qualitative analysis of a child, demonstrating the capacity to apply one of the qualitative data analysis techniques taught on the module, and to reflect on and make informed judgements about, complex issues in the absence of complete data.
Module 3: Clinical Portfolio 2
- Year of Study: Year Two
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 60 credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To enable trainees to pursue an area of interest and to develop a clinical specialism.
- To acquaint trainees with relevant literature and clinical research in a specialist area of practice.
- To develop trainees’ skills in working with a particular patient population.
- To further trainees’ knowledge of the diverse roles within professional networks and to further their understanding of statutory frameworks.
- To allow trainees to increase the range of cases they are working with and, with the help of the supervisor, ensure they are working with a balance of ages, genders, backgrounds and presenting problems. Trainees may gain experience in working with people from a wide range of ethnicities/heritages, including when necessary, working with translators.
- To develop trainees’ capacity to work with complexity, and develop their awareness of the impact of differences and trauma on the psychosocial and internal worlds of the young people and families they work with.
- To support trainees to progress in their capacity to undertake intensive casework, estbalishing their capacity to use supervision, including intensive case supervision.
- To support trainees to undertake an increased range of assessments, and begin therapeutic work with parents and other specialist work.
- To support trainees in becoming more familiar with working with colleagues from different professional backgrounds, and undertaking co-working of cases, discussing cases from a psychoanalytic perspective in their multi-disciplinary team meetings.
Module Assessment
Students are required to produce a portfolio of work, drawing on their clinical and professional practice in their training post and conceptual knowledge and skills learned during the first year of training. The portfolio will include two written assignments. The ‘Clinical Conceptualisation’ assignment comprises a 6,000-word account of clinical work linked to an area of specialist clinical practice. The ‘Practice Based Learning’ assignment comprises a 1,500-word written task, reflecting on the experience of becoming fully engaged in long term casework, particularly the intensive training cases and associated individual supervisions, and work with parents/carers. Students are also required to attend two progress review meetings, and submit associated documentation.
Module 4: Research Project Development
- Year of Study: Year Two
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 30 credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To develop trainees’ ability to conceptualise, design, and undertake ethically sound small-scale quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis projects within the context of child psychotherapy in the NHS.
Module Assessment
Students are required to submit a 4,000-word research dissertation project proposal, demonstrating the capacity to conceptualise and design a proposal with appropriate scope, complexity, and sophistication. Students must also complete an ethical application document and all associated documents appropriate to the project.
Module 5: Clinical Portfolio 3
- Year of Study: Year Three
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 90 credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To develop the capacity to formulate psychoanalytic ideas and hypotheses in relation to the assessment of children and adolescents so as to make informed decisions about treatment.
- To help trainees to understand the critical differences between a report of an assessment for psychotherapy and a state of mind assessment.
- To teach trainees how to formulate psychoanalytic ideas and hypotheses in relation to clinical assessments and treatment and to translate these into clear, jargon-free communication in the best interests of their patients.
- To support trainees to have have an established caseload of weekly and intensive 3 times weekly psychotherapy cases with children and young people of different ages, genders and presenting problems, family work and therapeutic parent work.
- To support trainees in making consistent progress in their capacity to understand their patients’ communications and in their ability to respond to patients appropriately, based on a sound understanding of psychoanalytic concepts and the impact of trauma, difference and diversity such as socio-economic, ethnicity, sexuality, disability and gender on the work.
- To enable trainees to write clearly, succinctly and in a style appropriate to a range of tasks, in language that is meaningful and accessible to other professionals, young people, families and carers.
- To help trainees to develop skills in summarising from a large amount of clinical experience/data. This is with the aim of capturing the significant and key clinical facts that are relevant to the context of the report.
- To develop trainees’ ability to make recommendations which are firmly based on clinical evidence and realistic, and to explain the underpinning rationale for each recommendation.
- To acquaint trainees with the tasks and structures of key external agencies and to locate the role of the child psychotherapist in complex professional networks.
- To support trainees to undertake therapeutic parent work with a parent or parental couple whose child or adolescent may or may not be in child psychotherapy treatment.
- To support trainees to be full active members of their multi-disciplinary teams, contributing to all areas of team development, and developing their clinical practice in an area of specialist interest, usually linked to their research project.
- To support trainees to engage in joint-thinking with their service supervisors in relation to case management. There is joint reflection and discussion about the criteria for ending cases, e.g. when sufficient change has taken place in the patient.
- To encourage trainees to apply learning from the Group Relations Conference to develop their understanding of power and authority in team and inter agency dynamics, and the significance of race and gender as well as other aspects of difference, in groups and organisations. Trainees will experience and learn about this in relation to their own functioning.
- To develop trainees’ experience of communicating in writing with professionals in the multi-agency network on complex matters.
Module Assessment
Students are required to produce a portfolio of work, drawing on their clinical and professional practice in their training post and conceptual knowledge and skills learned during the first year of training. The portfolio will include two written assignments. The ‘Clinical Conceptualisation’ assignment comprises 3-5 anonymised reports or significant letters written for external agencies, demonstrating awareness of role and task, totalling 6,000 words. The ‘Practice Based Learning’ assignment comprises a 1,500-word written task, reflecting on the experience of being an established member of a clinical team in placement and on beginning to develop areas of particular interest or clinical specialism. Students are also required to attend two progress review meetings, and submit associated documentation, and to attend a Group Relations Conference.
Module 6: Clinical Portfolio 4
- Year of Study: Year Four
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 90 Credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To enable trainees to write a paper which demonstrates their clinical knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as their grasp of psychoanalytic theory and practice and relevant research. The paper gathers together key elements the trainee’s learning from all strands of the course.
- To develop the clinical competencies required to become fully qualified child and adolescent psychotherapists registered as full members of the Association of Child Psychotherapists.
- To begin to develop trainees’ teaching and supervision skills, and where possible to gain experience in the supervision of a practitioner or trainee from another professional discipline wishing to develop their understanding of how psychoanalytic ideas can enhance their practice.
Module Assessment
Students are required to produce a portfolio of work, drawing on their clinical and professional practice in their training post and conceptual knowledge and skills learned during the first year of training. The portfolio will include two written assignments. The ‘Clinical Conceptualisation’ assignment comprises an 11,000-word clinical case study. The ‘Practice Based Learning’ assignment comprises a 3,000-word written task, reflecting on the training programme in its entirety and thinking ahead to future plans and ambitions. Students are also required to attend two progress review meetings, and submit associated documentation.
Module 7: Research Project
- Year of Study: Years 2 – 4
- FHEQ Level: Level 8
- Credit Weighting: 180 credits
- Module Status: Core
Module Aims
- To develop the capacity to conceptualise and design a doctoral project that makes a small, but original, contribution to the literature and evidence base on psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
- To develop the capacity to assess issues of feasibility and scope in the design of their research project and as they arise in the course of the work.
- To implement their research study within the context of child psychotherapy in the NHS, so as to be able to continue to undertake these activities at an advanced level, contributing substantially to the development of new techniques, ideas, or approaches.
Module Assessment
Students must complete a Research Project comprising a 24-28,000-word Research Thesis. This may be presented either as a single dissertation or as 3 linked articles of 6-8,000 words each plus appropriate linking passages.
Who is this course for?
We seek to recruit a diverse group of people who have a lively interest in and aptitude for working in mental health services for children and young people (ages from 0-25) and their families.
Course details
In order to undertake this course, we ask that you:
- have completed our Working with children, young people and families: a psychoanalytic observational approach (M7) course or equivalent. (Applicants who have completed an observation course at a training establishment other than Leeds are welcome to apply to the NSCAP for the clinical training, but may have to complete additional requirements prior to acceptance. You must have completed either course to MA level if you have not previously completed an undergraduate degree)
- have substantial experience of working with children and young people of varying ages, with experience gained in a number of settings including health, education and social care, and
- are strong in personal suitability
Personal suitability criteria include:
- both sensitivity and resilience to meet the emotional demands of the training
- sustained interest in infants, children and adolescents and the ability to engage and build relationships with them
- awareness of the impact you have on others and the impact of others on you
- respect for others’ difference, identity and individuality
- the ability to keep personal and professional boundaries
- the ability to ask for and use help
- the ability to keep thinking under pressure
- excellent written and spoken communications skills
Please note: although it is not a definite requirement for applicants to have had analysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy during the pre-clinical course, it is strongly recommended that once or twice weekly treatment is undertaken in this period.
If this has not been possible, one or more consultations with a training analyst or psychoanalytic psychotherapist recognised by NSCAP and the ACP is considered to be a necessary part of the process of considering making an application to the clinical training.
This is a funded course. In order to take up a place on the course, all new students need to apply for a fully funded NHS trainee child psychotherapy post in the north of England. There are competitive interviews for these posts.
Anyone who has been offered a place on the course who is unsuccessful in their application for a trainee child psychotherapist post cannot take up a place on the training and will need to reapply for an NHS trainee post the following academic year.
Practice-based learning is ongoing throughout the programme with defined progress points at the end of each year, and joint planning between you, your placement supervisor and your tutor for the next year’s requirements.
This ensures that the required professional competencies can be met by the end of the programme so that you will be eligible for full membership of the ACP. There are also academic submissions each year, building progressively so that by the end of the course you will be ready to submit a substantial portfolio of clinical and research work, which will be assessed by viva.
This course is full time, between your clinical work in placement and time for training. For each week of term (three terms of ten weeks each), a full day on Thursday at NSCAP is required, as well as an additional training day on Thursdays at end of each term.
Qualified child psychotherapists can work in public services such as the NHS or voluntary sectors. Given that training posts are fully funded by Health Education England, the expectation is that post-qualification you would work in the NHS or the voluntary sector.
However, you are eligible to work in private practice. It is strongly recommended that child psychotherapists continue to have supervision post-qualification. This is expected by the ACP and is part of continued CPD after qualifying.
Application deadlines
There are a number of important application deadlines associated with our postgraduate courses, however we encourage you to apply as early as possible, as spaces on our courses are limited and can be competitive.
Applications for this course closed on Sunday 12 January 2025.
Why study with us?
The clinical training in child and adolescent psychotherapy offered by NSCAP is funded by the NHS in the north of England. NSCAP is one of five centres providing training in child and adolescent psychotherapy in the UK.
This course will help you gain highly specialised skills in clinical work and research with children, adolescents and their families – including those who have experienced trauma, abuse, social disadvantage or discrimination. It will also allow you to study within a supportive peer group and environment, with a long-established tradition of excellence in training child psychotherapists and other disciplines.
This course will equip you with research knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to child psychotherapists working in the NHS, and enable you to contribute to the wider development of research in the clinical discipline and professional field.
Course facilitators
Validations and accreditations
This course is validated by the University of Essex.
This course is accredited by the Association of Child Psychotherapists.
Register your interest
Applications are now closed. Register your interest and be the first to hear when this course reopens.
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