Simon Tucker

Simon Tucker

Research Lead

Simon is an experienced manager, coach, trainer and organisational consultant, working for clients in the public, voluntary and corporate sectors. Simon has consulted a wide range of clients including senior managers within education, health and social care, and to board level in the commercial and voluntary sectors.

He was previously a member of the management team at the Tavistock and Portman on the Consulting and leading in organisations: psychodynamic and systemic approaches (D10/ED10) Master’s programme, and the organising tutor for the Master’s degree course in strategic leadership, also at the Tavistock and Portman. Simon is currently Research Lead for the Trust’s professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation(D10D)

Simon has also presented at national and international conferences, published work related to consultancy, coaching and leadership (Tucker 2010, 2014, 2016), and directed numerous Group Relations Conferences in the UK and internationally. As a consultant, Simon has designed and delivered programmes to support large-scale learning following Serious Case Reviews and has designed and delivered leadership programmes for senior leaders and Governors in the NHS and public sector.

Lastly, Simon was previously the Executive Director of OPUS.

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