Fai Pope

Fai Pope

Clinical Lead

Fai is a Clinical Lead for Public Health Nursing in South Gloucestershire and is part of a team to provide i-THRIVE training for all Public Health Nursing staff within BNSSG (Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire).
Fai qualified as an Adult Registered Nurse in 1996 and completed her BSc in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) in 2009. Within this time Fai has qualified as a Practice Teacher, completed work as a Project Manager, as well as facilitating training for the MECSH programme (The Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting). Fai has been part of the initial stages of transformation of public health nursing services in South Gloucestershire and continues to support the transformation process across BNSSG.
Fai remains aspirational about health visiting and enthusiastic about implementing new programmes and ways of working to ensure that all public health nurses can promote the opportunity for the best start in life, whilst providing preventative work on reducing health inequalities and improving outcomes for all children, young people and their families.

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