Viewing protected library PDFs

For copyright reasons, we need to prevent some types of document being downloaded, so you’ll only be allowed to view master’s dissertations / theses, the Tavistock Gazette and some accessibility transcriptions on a web browser (these documents won’t work with Internet Explorer but any other browser is suitable). They’re also Shibboleth protected and only available to library members who are also working or studying at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

Once the PDF you’re trying to view has loaded on screen, scroll down to the bottom of web page and hover your mouse over the document. This will reveal the viewing controls at the bottom of the PDF and you can use them to scroll through pages, zoom or switch to full-screen view.

How to view protected PDFs on the library document management system

Available resources

Master’s dissertations

Search for master’s dissertations by course code on the library catalogue. Type the word ‘thesis’ and add the course code. For example, for dissertations from the course ‘Working with children, young people & families: a psychoanalytic observational approach (M7)’, you’ll need to type M07 thesis in the catalogue search box. Note: for courses where there is only a single digit in the course code, you need to add a preceding zero (eg, M07, M09). You can also find an option to search by thesis in Advance Search on the catalogue. Not all dissertations are available to read online.

Tavistock Gazette

Tavistock Gazette cover issue 11

The Tavistock Gazette was the house journal of the Tavistock Clinic and we’ve scanned all issues from 1979-1996. It contains interviews with staff, opinion pieces and even the occasional pantomime script! You can browse the issues of the Tavistock Gazette online, and there’s a basic search option that will help you identify issues containing your chosen key words.

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