Emotional support
Sources of support available to all students
Personal tutor and tutorials
On most courses which are over a year long, you will have a personal tutor who will meet with you regularly. As well as discussing your progress, your tutor can support you with any difficulties you may encounter. Tutorials are held at least termly.
Student advice and consultation service
During your studies, personal and professional issues might arise that you do not wish to share with your personal tutor. If this happens, you can seek help in complete confidence from our student advice and consultation service (STUACS). Students are eligible for three sessions with a member of staff at the Trust. In the initial meeting, an assessment will be made of the nature of the difficulty. The follow-up sessions will review whether any further help of a specialist or longer term nature is required and the student will be given assistance in finding such help. Confidentiality is assured and you will be seen by a staff member who is not connected to your studies.
You can contact the STUACS service at STUACS@tavi-port.nhs.uk. Please note that this is only available during term-time.
Personal therapy
If you are on a clinical course where you will be seeing patients, you will need to pay for personal therapy throughout the length of your course. In some instances, you may need to be in therapy for a year prior to, as well as during, your clinical training.
If you have any concerns arising from this, you should discuss them with your personal tutor, course lead or course administrator, and we’ll endeavour to support you however we can. You may also be eligible for some financial support.