Working towards wellbeing

Working towards wellbeing (DAA500)

Improve mental health and wellbeing in your workplace with our cost-saving course bundle

Developed in the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, under the expert guidance of our organisational consultants in the Trust, this online course bundle explores mental health and wellbeing at work.

Available to start at any time, you’ll build the knowledge and skills needed to create a more informed, resilient and compassionate culture in your workplace.

Drawing on the principles of systems-psychodynamic thinking, each of the four constituent courses combines key theoretical ideas with a practical focus on the most pressing challenges and development needs facing the workforce today.

By addressing your individual experience and exploring the dynamics of your organisation as a whole, the courses will equip you with the understanding and the tools to meaningfully support your own and others’ mental health.

Aims and learning objectives

This course will allow you to:

  • understand resilience, trauma and uncertainty and consider practical ways to support wellbeing
  • gain a better understanding of organisational processes and dynamics, and how leaders and followers can help to create a culture that promotes mental health and wellbeing
  • develop effective self-compassion strategies and the knowledge and skills needed to create resilience and a work culture that reduces experiences of exclusion, oppression and prejudice, and their impact on mental health
  • learn about different models of leadership, different ways of thinking about followership, and the importance of the leader-follower relationship
  • explore the effects of trauma and anxiety, and their relationship to uncertainty, as well as some responses to trauma, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with useful links to additional support
  • explore the idea of mental health as a ‘continuum’ on which we all live – acknowledging the importance of relationships for mental health, as well as the impact of stigma
  • reflect on change as a form of both loss and growth – observing its effects in your personal life and workplace setting
  • examine barriers to organisational resilience – with reference to three key theoretical perspectives and a ‘whole-system’ approach
  • recognise team dynamics and what happens when relationships ‘go wrong’, including how to understand bullying in the workplace

You will learn by:

  • exploring key concepts through interactive lecture content and videos
  • deepening your understanding via regular opportunities for reflection
  • relating key theories to real life through expert discussion and case study videos
  • recording your progress against clear learning objectives

Who is this course for?

We welcome anyone to this course who has a keen interest in the subject area and in particular, if you are interested in:

  • exploring mental health in the workplace, whether for the purposes of supporting their own wellbeing or in order to support others
  • how attitudes towards leadership and followership can support better emotional and psychological wellbeing in a workplace context.
  • developing a healthier, more resilient workplace
  • the impact of trauma in the workplace, and in developing a trauma-informed workplace

You may have management responsibilities, a role in human resources or organisational development, or a particular focus on mental health and wellbeing – or you may just be interested in learning more about these topics.

If you are looking to commission a number of places on this course for your organisation or service, please contact us first at Group discounts may be available on request.

We would also be keen to hear from you if you would be interested in discussing additional tailored, live training options for your staff, to embed or expand upon the learning from this course. 

Course details

These interactive courses run continuously, so you can sign up at any time. They offer 20 hours of self-directed online learning which you can undertake at a time, pace and location that suits you.

You will have access to four courses and their materials for one year. Access begins the day after you’ve booked, when you will receive your account details by email.

Please note that these courses were created during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in some areas focus on those events. However, the theory and guidance are still relevant and applicable, providing examples of ways in which individuals can be creative when dealing with experiences of adversity and uncertainty.

This course bundle is comprised of four mini courses.

‘The resilient workplace’ mini course covers the following areas:

  • resilience – definitions, levels and capacities
  • resilience for individuals, teams and organisations
  • way to develop resilience
  • understanding organisations – a ‘whole-system’ approach
  • obstructions to developing organisational resilience
  • understanding groups in relation to psychoanalytic concepts
  • understanding groups through a systems psychodynamic lens
  • observing yourself and your impact
  • resilience and reflection

The ‘Trauma, self-care and caring for others’ mini course covers the following areas:

  • what is trauma?
  • types of trauma
  • risk factors or predisposition to trauma
  • PTSD – prevalence and symptoms
  • the science of trauma – the brain and body
  • the long-term impact of trauma
  • when is a coping strategy a symptom?
  • dealing with loss
  • trauma and relationships
  • trauma in the workplace
  • trauma-informed workplace, including racial trauma
  • negative social factors
  • restorative and reparative social factors

The ‘Leadership, followership and mental health’ mini course covers the following areas:

  • what is leadership?
  • what is followership?
  • the relationship between leader and follower
  • leadership and management – a psychoanalytic approach
  • leadership, followership and diversity
  • followership and culture
  • what is mental health?
  • types of mental illness, including depression and anxiety
  • mental wellbeing – a developmental approach
  • mental wellbeing and relationships
  • mental health and stigma
  • promoting leader-follower relationships
  • approaching the organisation as a whole
  • systems-psychodynamics and leadership/followership

The ‘Maintaining hope in uncertain times’ mini course covers the following areas:

  • uncertainty – what is it?
  • change and loss
  • uncertainty and resilience
  • anxiety, trauma and PTSD
  • compassion-focused therapy
  • developing self-compassion
  • compassion mindfulness practices
  • learning to sense-check
  • hope – a symbolic, narrative approach to life
  • narrative approaches to uncertainty
  • co-creating hope in the workplace

There are no specific requirements for the course; it is open to all and assumes no prior knowledge of the area.

There’s a multiple choice question assessment at the end of each course, which provides access to your Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust CPD certificate upon completion (four certificates available in total).

How does it work?

  • Save with this course bundle: bundle price = £319 / cost of four individual mini courses = £396
  • The course bundle contains four online mini courses – each one containing five hours’ worth of interactive content, giving you a total of 20 hours of learning
  • You can also purchase access to each of the mini courses individually – visit their course pages to find out more

Courses included in this bundle

Course facilitators

  • Angela Bagum updated

    Angela Bagum

    Mental health nurse, Art Psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst in training.

Book your place today

This course bundle runs continuously. You can book a place at any time using our MyTAP booking system. Access begins the day after you’ve booked, when you will receive login details by email.

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