Family observation

Systemic approaches to working with individuals, families and organisations (D4F, foundation)

Develop an understanding of systemic theory and practice with the most advanced pre-qualifying course in systemic approaches

This course will provide you with a well-developed understanding of systemic theory and practice which will underpin your work with diverse families and organisations.

It is the most advanced pre-qualifying course in systemic approaches and is considered the best preparation for the clinical training in the UK. This course is validated by the University of Essex and accredited by the Association of Family Therapy (AFT).

This course is also offered at intermediate level.

Please note: you may see the D4F course also referred to as SYGCTP002 in communications from our application system.

About this course

Systemic family therapy involves working therapeutically with individuals together with their families and/or significant others.

This course will allow you to develop an understanding of systemic ideas and skills which can be applied to your work. You will learn how to reflect on the personal and professional dimensions of your work and start to identify and understand multiple contexts. This will widen your perspective when thinking about, and reflecting on, your clinical practice.

The course consists of the following elements:

  • theoretical seminars
  • application seminars
  • whole-day events
  • personal tutorials
  • clinical work

Theoretical seminars combine theoretical and experiential learning with an emphasis on interactional learning. In smaller application groups, you will be expected to present your own experience using systemic theoretical concepts.

You will undertake presentations on personal and professional issues, illustrating an aspect of systemic theory.

You will attend two full-day events which include presentations and workshops by systemic clinicians.

For successful completion of the foundation year it is necessary to have completed the following clinical work with families/couples, either in a professional role or as part of a reflecting team:

  • three sessions of work with families and/or couples, in a setting where you are able to use and/or apply systemic ideas
  • case presentation from your clinical work setting/placement

Summary of foundation year

Term one

You will reflect on yourself in relation to your family of origin, your present family, and your relationships with family members and those outside the family. Genogram theory and practice will be introduced in order to help you develop skills and knowledge which you will link to a number of social differences in order to explore your understanding and experience of difference.

Term two

You will focus on the development of systemic theory and practice, and will be encouraged to critically evaluate different schools of thought and different theoretical positions. You will explore your own positioning in relation to these and the application of theoretical ideas to individuals, families and organisations.

Term three

You will begin to focus on specific client groups such as working with adults, or working with a family where someone has a disability. This will also include completing a genogram interview with a clinical family from your placement.

Across the year, you will apply systemic theory to practice through role play, consultations, audio and video review and work carried out in your placement or work setting. Students who successfully complete the foundation course can consider progressing to the intermediate level.


Module 1: Exploration of difference and diversity: Self, family and relationships

  • Year of Study: Year One
  • FHEQ Level: Level 6
  • Credit Weighting: 20 credits
  • Module Status: Core
  • Module Leader: Rukiya Jemmott

Module Aims

  • To explore and develop greater awareness of self in relation to childhood, family of origin, own family and the wider community and to consider the influence of your own beliefs, ideas when working with clients.
  • To demonstrate an understanding of differences of ‘race’, culture, gender, gender identity, class, disability, age, religion and sexual orientation within your work with clients.
  • To demonstrate how insights derived from systemic concepts can influence the relationship with clients or colleagues regarding your own difference.
  • To offer a systemic framework in order to reflect on your differences on at least two of the dimensions ‘race’, culture, gender, gender identity, class, disability, age, religion, sexuality and sexual orientation. To demonstrate an awareness of the impact of the wider social context with regard to ‘race’, culture, gender, gender identity, class, disability, age, religion, sexuality and sexual orientation.

Module Assessment

Students are required to deliver one 20-minute presentation, followed by 10 minutes of questions by two assessors.

Module 2: History and developments of systemic theory and practice

  • Year of Study:Year One
  • FHEQ Level: Level 6
  • Credit Weighting: 20 credits
  • Module Status: Core
  • Module Leader: Rukiya Jemmott

Module Aims

  • To provide students with an overview of the development of systemic theory and practice in its historical and social context.
  • To provide students with an overview of different schools of family therapy and different theoretical developments and core concepts associated with each.
  • To critically examine each school of family therapy in the light of evidence-based practice.
  • To provide students with a theoretical framework in which to examine their position, role and responsibilities in their clinical work and organisation.
  • To identify systemic theories to evaluate the professional beliefs and values that underpin professional practice and service delivery.
  • To demonstrate the influences of wider social and political contexts and the effects these have on the development of individuals, couples, families and organisations.

Module Assessment

Students are required to submit a 2,500-word theory essay.

Module 3: Applications to practice

  • Year of Study:Year One
  • FHEQ Level: Level 6
  • Credit Weighting: 20 credits
  • Module Status: Core
  • Module Leader: Rukiya Jemmott

Module Aims

  • To develop students’ observational skills while drawing on systemic concepts.
  • To provide students with a systemic framework for thinking about family communication.
  • To develop research skills which include the identification of a clinical family, the negotiation of the observation and transcribing the collected data.

Module Assessment

Students are required to submit a 2,500-word genogram project.

Who is this course for?

This course is for professionals working with, or who would like to work with, couples or families, in mental health trusts, healthcare, education, social care or voluntary agencies.

You may be a:

  • social worker
  • teacher
  • psychologist
  • psychiatrist
  • nurse
  • learning mentor
  • GP
  • counsellor
  • researcher

You will need to have opportunities to work with couples and families, either in your professional role, in a placement, or as part of a reflecting team.

Course details

In order to be eligible for this course, we ask that you:

  • have a first degree in social work, psychology, medicine, nursing, education or any allied field, or are able to demonstrate an equivalent level of relevant experience
  • are working or volunteering in a setting where you have the opportunity to work with families and/or couples of two or more generations, either in a professional role or as part of a reflecting team


£ 3,570 per year (2025/26)


£ 7,140 per year (2025/26)

You will be charged course fees for each year of your course. If your course is longer than one year, the fees that you will be charged after the first year will be subject to an annual uplift, which is not normally expected to exceed 6% or the Consumer Price Index (as stated on 01 September of that academic year) if higher than 6%. At its discretion and in rare instances, the Trust may determine a figure greater than either, to reflect costs associated with the activity (e.g. assessment, teaching, administration etc.), which shall not exceed 10%. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions, and Student Fees & Refund Policy for further information.

Financial support may be available to help you fund your studies at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.


This course is assessed through three assignments:

  • a ‘difference’ presentation; this will be a 20-minute presentation, followed by 10 to 15 minutes of questions by two assessors
  • a 2,500-word theory essay
  • a 2,500-word genogram essay


Tuesday evenings from 5.30pm to 8.30pm.

This course enhances a professional’s skills in working systemically with children, families, couples, adults and organisations.

Graduates often report that their confidence at work improves and progression is enhanced in the health, social care and voluntary sectors as well as in independent practice.

Students are advised to join the Association of Family Therapy (AFT) to continue access to systemic thinking and CPD opportunities. Those that graduate from the foundation course can proceed to the intermediate level training.

Application deadlines

There are a number of important application deadlines associated with our postgraduate courses, however we encourage you to apply as early as possible, as spaces on our courses are limited and can be competitive.

Applications for this course are expected to close on the following dates:

  • Monday 30 June 2025: International applicant student visa deadline
  • Thursday 31 July 2025: Summer application deadline

Why study with us?

We have been delivering systemic training for over 30 years. We offer a high level of training delivered by experienced clinicians and supervisors.

If you want to progress on to the intermediate course, and subsequently the Systemic psychotherapy (M6) Master’s degree, then this course will prepare you by giving you exposure to clinical work from an early stage.

Course facilitators

  • Rukiya Jemmott

    Rukiya Jemmott

    Senior Systemic Psychotherapist and AFT registered supervisor and Course Lead

Validations and accreditations

University of Essex logo

This course is validated by the University of Essex.

AFT logo

This course is accredited by the Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice.

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