Introducing our new M21 course lead: Jason Maldonado-Page
A graduate of the programme, Jason will now lead our training in systemic family therapy supervision (M21).
We are delighted to introduce the new course lead for our training in systemic family therapy supervision (M21): Jason Maldonado-Page.
A senior systemic psychotherapist, social worker and clinical supervisor, Jason is also responsible for our award-winning training in Child, adolescent and family mental wellbeing multidisciplinary practice (D24), and our popular CPD course, Leadership and management in the public and voluntary sectors: a systemic perspective (CPD23).
We asked Jason to tell us a little about what drew him to the programme and role, and what to hopes to achieve while in post.
What attracted you to take up this role?
The systemic family therapy supervision course – or “M21”! – holds an incredibly special place in my own systemic journey, so I was attracted to the role because of the opportunity it would give me to lead and develop a course which, for me, was a highly rewarding experience. I see this role as a chance to join an innovative and inclusive course, where qualified systemic psychotherapists can consolidate their practice and also confidently contribute to the wider systemic community and other modalities and organisations through robust and passionate supervision.
How did studying on the course benefit you?
The systemic supervision course was influential in supporting me to consolidate my systemic knowledge, to grow in confidence in my systemic identity, to better support others in their own clinical development and to better articulate the process of therapy and supervision. It also helped me to become a passionate leader, manager and teacher, who can support others to grow in their clinical confidence, to find their therapeutic style, and to have a voice within increasingly complex, and challenging, organisational contexts.
Why do I think this course is valuable now?
The value of systemic thinking is increasingly recognised in many different organisational contexts, and as our discipline grows, there is a need for systemic leaders, managers, trainers and supervisors who can influence, inspire and motivate others. Our systemic supervision course enables systemic psychotherapists to take a leading supervisory role within the changing landscape of clinical practice where the demands on time and workload are greater, and where resources are fewer. M21 is an investment in your career and your own systemic development. The course gives the necessary space and time to think and to reflect on the systemic psychotherapist that you have become and the systemic supervisor, leader, manager and or trainer that you hope to be.
What are your ambitions for the course?
The course currently offers such a unique training opportunity and is academically robust. To develop its potential further, I would like to see further cross-course collaboration both within and outside of the Trust, where M21 trainees are able to contribute to teaching, training and consulting as part of their learning. I am keen to consider the scope for a multimodal supervision course that would offer a range of leadership and management theories and approaches, as well as teaching pedagogies, to meet the ever-increasing demands within multi-disciplinary settings.
Intrigued? Learn more
Our systemic family therapy supervision course (M21) offers experienced systemic psychotherapists the opportunity to become an AFT-accredited systemic supervisor, able to train and develop the family therapy workforce of the future.