Course monitoring
Identifying and sharing enhancements and good practice
Annual course monitoring is a big part of how we assure the quality and standards on our validated courses, and also identify and share enhancements and good practice. All our validated provision goes through a process known as ‘annual review of courses’.
The report is written by the course lead with input from other members of the course team, and is intended to be a retrospective critical self-evaluation of the course. It takes into account the following:
- Feedback from student surveys
- Progression and retention data (e.g. withdrawals and fails)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion data
- External Examiner feedback
- Course Committee minutes
- Action plan from the previous cycle
Course leads create an action plan for the next academic year based on the conclusions that they have drawn from their analysis of the information listed above.
For those courses delivered at satellite centres, the parent course includes both comparative analysis of performance and identifies and actions issues that are common to delivery and outcome in all centres of delivery.
Detailed guidance, timelines and other information about the Annual Review of Courses process is emailed to course leads in September.
In addition to the reports written about each course, by the course leads, a Portfolio-level report is written, and an overview report.
The Overview Report is considered at the Trust Quality Committee, along with the portfolio-level reports. They are also sent to our Validating University Partner for review.
Overview report
As the process is retrospective, the reports are always for the previous academic year.
The course-level reports are published on the relevant course Moodle page, and considered (along with the action plans) at course committees.