Chris Scanlon
Course Tutor and Supervisor
Chris is an independent psycho-social researcher/consultant; a training group analyst at the Institute of Group Analysis (UK) and at the Irish Group Analytic Society (Dublin); a senior associate at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations (TIHR); an associate of the Tavistock Consultancy Service (TCS); a member of the Organisation for the Promotion of the Understanding of Society (OPUS), and a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (PFHEA).
He worked for 40 years as a practitioner and educator in NHS and university settings, including 15 years as an NHS Consultant General Adult and Forensic Psychotherapist, specialising in therapeutic community practice, complex multiple exclusion, trauma-informed reflective practice and service development. He has acted as expert advisor/consultant to a range of agencies including NHS England, the Department of Health, Ministry of Justice, Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and National Offender Management Services (NOMS), as well as a wide range of organisations and agencies working in the field.
Chris is a founder member and board member of the Association for Psychosocial Studies (APS), an associate editor of the ‘Journal of Psychosocial Studies’, ‘Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society’ and the ‘British Journal of Psychotherapy’ and a scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC).
He is published widely in the field and his most recent publication (with John Adlam), Psychosocial explorations of trauma, exclusion and violence, was published by Routledge in 2022.