Taking a break from your studies
From time to time, life events may get in the way of your studies and you need to take a step back to deal with these events
The processes for applying to take a break in your studies varies depending on the university partner that your course is linked with. If you are not sure which university validates your course, please contact your course administrator.
Please note that if you are on a Tier 4 visa, your visa will be affected by intermitting your studies. Please contact us for more information.
University of Essex: Validated taught and research courses
For Postgraduate taught (PGT) programmes, please complete a ‘Notice of Intermission’ form (below) and submit to Student Registry for processing.
Information regarding taking a break (intermitting) is on the University of Essex website. Applications must be made in writing to the course lead, and permission must be granted prior to intermitting. A minimum of one term and a maximum of one year will be granted in the first instance. If you fail to re-register on your course within 28 days of the end of your intermission you will be deemed to have withdrawn permanently from your course, and will be required to reapply to re-enter the course.
For further information, please refer to University of Essex regulation relating to registration (5.19).
For Doctorate programmes (Professional Doctorates – PGR), the information you will need regarding taking a break (intermitting) is on the University of Essex website. Please also refer to the University of Essex research degrees regulations.
Please submit all PGR intermission applications to academic quality.
UEL: Validated taught and research courses
If you are a research degree (doctoral) student who has completed the taught/clinical component of your course, you can find guidance on taking a break here. If you are still on the taught/clinical component, please continue on this page.
At the University of East London, taking a break is called intermitting. Please note that if you intermit your studies, you will not have access to facilities or receive tutorials or supervision. If you have assessment re-submissions you must submit these by the deadline specified. No other assignments will be accepted.
Professional Doctorates
If you are enrolled on a UEL doctorate course and are still completing the taught/clinical component, in order to take a break (intermit) you must contact your course lead and receive written permission. This must be sent to the course administrator for processing.
There are no specific requirements for intermitting (such as ill-health or pregnancy) but the course lead is within their rights to refuse or set conditions on the basis of academic judgement.
Please see clause 4.3 of the Trust-UEL D level modular regulations for the regulations on intermitting.
Masters, postgraduate certificates and diplomas, and graduate certificates and diplomas
In order to take a break (intermit) you must contact your course lead and receive written permission. The application form must be sent to Academic Quality for processing.
There are no specific requirements for intermitting (such as ill-health or pregnancy) but the course lead is within their rights to refuse or set conditions on the basis of academic judgement.
Please see clause 5.3 of the Trust-UEL academic framework for masters level courses for the regulations on intermitting.
Please submit all intermission/suspension of studies applications to Academic Quality.