September Trust Scientific Meeting: The Meaning of Race in the Transference and Counter-transference
Monday 11 September, 11:30am to 1pm
Tavistock Centre Lecture Theatre and streamed online
Issues of race, ethnicity, culture and gender were once visible differences that could be acknowledged and thought about in the therapeutic relationship when (or if) they were recognised. They have become less clear, as have issues of “sameness” and “difference” in the therapist / patient relationship, as a result of populations becoming more fluid than before, and as a result of the consequences of social phenomena such as Brexit. Working “cross-culturally” has therefore become increasingly common, as a result of mental health services, such as CAMHS, reflecting more of the diverse populations in which they are situated.
Dr Sean Junor-Sheppard will present his paper, The hostile environment and the therapeutic journey of an adolescent girl, drawing on research investigating the Transference relationship to determine the usefulness of cross-cultural Child Psychotherapy in the development of the patient’s self through the case study of an adolescent BAME patient.
This Trust Scientific Meeting will be Chaired by Katie Argent, Head of Child and Adolescent, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, and Portfolio Manager Psychoanalytic Applied Psychotherapy at the Trust.
Dr Sean Junor-Sheppard is the Principal Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist with North Camden Community Team and a visiting lecturer at the Tavistock and Portman. He is passionate about psychoanalysis’ potential to respond to how issues of race, culture and diversity can be thought of, and worked with in psychoanalytic treatment, and completed a PhD on the investigation of the transference in cross-cultural psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Dr Sean Junor-Sheppard has worked previously as a social worker, as well as in the NHS as a clinical lead of Bexley CAMHS’ Under-Fives and Parent-Infant Service and their Looked After Children and Adoption Service.
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Meeting Passcode: 568230