All education and training courses will be delivered online in autumn term
The Trust has decided to continue with online delivery of all courses for the first term of the academic year 2021-22. Although the government has formally relaxed many Covid restrictions, the risk level remains significant, and infection prevention and control measures remain in place on NHS premises.

The Department of Education and Training has been taking regular feedback from students throughout the pandemic. Whilst many students would prefer to meet face-to-face where possible, it is recognised that this can only happen when it is safe to do so, and overall satisfaction levels with the courses have remained high.
It has become clear during the pandemic that a hybrid teaching model (i.e. some learners in person and others online) fails to deliver a good experience for all, and therefore the Trust is not going to support this option.
The Trust is working with Course Leads to identify an activity or activities in the first term for each of our courses which would be best suited to face-to-face delivery, to give all our staff and students a chance to meet in person at least once in the term. Students will receive more information about this shortly. The Trust is also developing models for virtual student social spaces, e.g. a student zoom common room and the opportunity for cohorts to meet regularly in smaller zoom groups.
Brian Rock, Dean of Postgraduate Studies, said:
“Whilst we would love to be welcoming students back to the Tavistock Centre in person for the autumn term, we must put public safety first and respect the guidelines set out by Public Health England and NHS England for social distancing on NHS premises.
We recognise that online learning brings both positive and negative effects. Many students will welcome the flexibility of online learning, particularly the ability to study in their homes and not have to travel to London, whilst many others will miss the college atmosphere of working in group environments. Nevertheless, we are sure that the autumn term will be an enjoyable and productive one, and look forward to welcoming students back to the Trust premises in 2022.”