2024 publishing successes
Browse some of the articles, chapters and books published by our staff, students and alumni over the past twelve months.
At The Tavistock and Portman, we are proud to have been at the cutting edge of clinical practice, education and research in mental health and wellbeing for over a century. This tradition continues today, as demonstrated by some of the many articles, chapters and books published by our staff, students and alumni in 2024. Spanning a wide range of themes and multiple languages, these publications represent many hours of research, writing and revision – each making a powerful contribution to their discipline knowledge base.
Explore some of our highlights below – and contact us with any additions.
Working with children, young people and families
In February, Alexandra de Rementeria, co-course lead for our training in Perinatal, child, adolescent and family work: a psychoanalytic observational approach (M7), published the article, Fear and loathing, love and othering: the legacy of early Oedipal struggles as manifest in racialised dynamics in the consulting room, in the Journal of Child Psychotherapy.
Also in February, Dr Ellie Sakata, a graduate of our professional doctorate in Child, community and educational psychology (M4), published the article, A self-reflective framework for culturally responsive educational psychology practice, in the journal, Educational Psychology in Practice. Then, in December, Dr Sakata published the article, Promoting self-reflection and cultural attunement in culturally responsive consultation: the development of a tool for practice, in the journal, Educational Psychology Research and Practice.
In March, Kristina Balampanidou, Hannah Fleming, Katie Ellis and Jane Park, graduates of our professional doctorate in Child, community and educational psychology (M4), contributed chapters to the book, Psychology for Teaching Assistants, published by Teaching Times. Also in March, Rebekah Boyd and Fiona Blyth, graduates of our professional doctorate in Child, community and educational psychology (M4), contributed chapters to the book, Excluded from School – Complex discourses and psychological perspectives, published by Teaching Times. The first and second editions of the latter also include chapter contributions from staff members, Richard Lewis and the late Mike Solomon. Both publications were co-authored by Christopher Arnold, who was a staff member on our doctorate at the time.
In April, William Parkinson, a graduate of our Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (M80) training, published the article, ‘Beginners’ – a review of the first day of the Tavistock Infant Observation Conference, in the journal, Infant Observation. Then, in December, Harry Jervis, a student on our Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (M80) training, published the article, Review of day 1 of the Tavistock’s 9th international conference for infant observation for students and teachers, 5 April 2024, in the journal, Infant Observation.
In June, Esther Usiskin Cohen, Head of Portfolio, and Ana Draper, Discipline Lead, co-edited Issue 193 of the magazine, Context. A number of colleagues contributed to the publication, including Esther Usiskin Cohen, Ana Draper, Rachel Scott, Ngozi Anuforo, Hazel Hyslop, and Jason Maldonado-Page, course lead for our trainings in Child, adolescent and family mental wellbeing: multidisciplinary practice (ED24) and Family and systemic psychotherapy supervision (M21).
Also in June, Greta Steponaityte, a student on our Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy (M80) training, published the article, How do adolescents end open-ended psychoanalytic psychotherapy? Exploring dropout in a community-based clinic, in the Journal of Child Psychotherapy.
In August, Matthew Chuard, Head of Portfolio, published the review, Finding a way to the child, selected clinical papers 1983–2021, in the journal, Infant Observation.
In December, Marc Pescod, graduate of our professional doctorate in Child, community and educational psychology (M4), published the articles, Understanding motivation towards education through exploring the educational experiences of young homeless people and Push where it moves: Factors affecting engagement of homeless young people in employment, education and training, according to support staff, in the journal, Educational and Child Psychology.
Also in December, Federico Maria Albertini, Jacob Cilius Vinsten Christiansen, Christopher Loh and Nasif Nijabat, students on our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: systemic psychotherapy (M10), published the articles New materialism(s) and systemic psychotherapy: Does it matter? (PART 1) and New Materialism(s) and Systemic Psychotherapy: Does it Matter? (PART 2) in the Journal of Family Therapy.
Dr Inga-Britt Krause, staff member on our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: systemic psychotherapy (M10), contributed the chapter, Ethnography: Learning How to Ask, to the book, Handbook in Qualitative Research, published by Falkbolaget.
Working with adults
In May, Chief Education and Training Officer and Dean of Postgraduate Education, Professor Mark Freestone, published the article, Comparing the symptom presentation similarities and differences of complex posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder: A systematic review, in the journal, Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. In September, Professor Freestone contributed the chapter, Psychologically Informed Planned Environments, to the book, The Wiley Handbook of What Works in Correctional Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Theory, Assessment and Treatment, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley-Blackwell.
In December, Rodrigo Sanchez Escandon, course lead for our Psychodynamic psychotherapy (M58) training, contributed the chapter, Open-Ended Supportive Therapy, to the book, Psychology Applications & Developments X, published by inSciencePress.
Working in management, leadership and consultancy
In March, Dr Robyn Vesey, staff member on our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation (D10D) and Executive coaching programme (ECP), contributed the chapter, A Systems-Psychodynamic Approach to Mentoring and How it Can Help Individuals and Organizations Develop Leadership Capacity, to the book, Mentoring in Health, Social Care and Beyond, published by Pavilion.
In June, Martin Lüdemann, a graduate of our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation (D10D), and Celina Rodriguez Drescher, graduate of our Master’s degree in Consulting and leading in organisations: psychodynamic and systemic approaches (D10), co-edited the book, Systemisch-psychodynamische Organisationsberatung, published by Psychosozial Verlag.
In July, Dr Louisa Brunner, staff member on our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation (D10D), contributed the foreword to the book, Containment, Organisations and Working Task, published by Routledge.
In November, Dr Evelyn P. Gilmore, graduate of our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation (D10D), published the article, Creating a holding environment in an organisational setting: A systems psychodynamic first person action research perspective, in the journal, Organisational and Social Dynamics. In the same issue, Vega Zagier Roberts, staff member on our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation (D10D), published the article, “Our kind of consultancy is subversive.” Curiosity, agency and the power of changing the stories we tell.
Working in social work and social care
In September, Dr Philip Archard, staff member on our professional doctorates in Advanced practice and research: social work and social care (D55) and Child, community and educational psychology (M4), published the article, Sharing formulations and interpretations with interview participants in psychoanalytically informed research: some considerations, in the Journal of Social Work Practice. Then in October, Dr Archard published the article, Developing a group-based psychoeducation intervention for adoptive parents and foster carers in a specialist child and adolescent mental health service setting, in the journal, Practice. Finally, in November, Dr Archard published the article, Service evaluation of a training initiative in participatory practice with children and young people for early help professionals, in the Journal of Children’s Services and the article, Clinician perspectives on endings and discharges in community mental health work, in the Mental Health Review Journal.
Also in November, Jenni Guthrie, a student on our professional doctorate in Advanced practice and research: social work and social care (D55), published the article, Autistic SPACE(S) in Social Work, in the journal, Practice.
Looking for more?
You can browse a full repository of staff publications via our library, and access thesis abstracts and texts from our professional doctorates in Advanced practice and research: consultation and the organisation (D10D) and Advanced practice and research: social work and social care (D55) via our website.