Nominate a honorary doctorate Step 1 of 4 25% We award at least two honorary doctorates at our annual graduation ceremony and welcomes nominations from staff, students, and associates. We are looking for nominations of individuals you think have made a contribution to mental health and care and have a connection to the work of the Trust (past or present). The criteria for awarding an honorary doctorate is persons of conspicuous merit or distinction who are outstanding in their academic or professional life or particular field or who have given exceptional service to the Trust. It cannot be someone who is currently employed by the Trust. All nominations will be considered by the Education and Training Committee, with the final nominations being approved by the Board of Directors. We will then seek approval from our university partner to approach our nominees. If you would like to nominate someone for an honorary doctorate, please complete the form below. Please note that if you choose to nominate someone for an honorary doctorate, you will be responsible for preparing a citation. This citation will be an essential part of the nomination process, highlighting the nominee’s achievements and contributions, and we may ask you to deliver the citation at the relevant Graduation ceremony, where appropriate. About youYour name(Required) First Last Your email(Required) Your phone number(Required) Your nominationName of the person you wish to nominate(Required) First Last Address for correspondence (if known) Address line 1 Address line 2 Town or city County Post code Select the options that apply to the nominee(Required) Academic Creative arts Industry Public service Sport Service to the institution Other Please state the academic subject areas(Required)Other – please state below(Required) Details about your nominationPlease provide a brief summary of why the nominee should be awarded an Honorary Degree(Required)150 words maximumDetails supporting your nomination(Required)Please provide full details supporting your nomination, including details of connections with the Trust or the area we work in, or congruence of interest in an academic area in which the Trust has a particular interest, or other supporting information. Please ensure you provide as much detail as possible to support your nomination. Please list below any references or relevant websites