Course fees
Course fees for 2025/26 academic year entry are listed on each course page on our website and these fees cover the cost of one year’s tuition. The annual fee you will be required to pay will also appear on your offer email. Where your course is longer than one year, the subsequent years’ fees will be uplifted by 3% or by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate as at the 1 September each year, depending on which is higher.
Paying your fees
We offer a number of ways to pay your fees depending on the length of your course and who is paying for your tuition:
Self-funded: If you are self-funding and your fees are more than £650 you will be able to pay your fees in three instalments across the academic year. You will set up a payment plan when you enrol on your course each year.
Funded by your employer: If you will be funded by your employer or another external source, you will be asked to provide sponsor details and a purchase order number. An invoice will be sent to the sponsoring organisation and payment will be due in full.
Sources of funding
Postgraduate loans: If you are studying a Master’s level course, you may be eligible for a postgraduate loan. These loans can help to cover fees and living costs, and if your course lasts for more than a year, the loan will be divided equally across each year of your course and paid to you in instalments.
Charitable trusts: Some charities offer bursaries, grants or loans to individuals from specific cultural, ethnic, disability, sexuality, gender or other groups, or for specific kinds of training.
Bursaries: We offer support via bursaries if you unexpectedly run into financial difficulty while studying with us. We also offer bursaries to new students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic / Global Majority backgrounds on some courses.